The Killer

CRank: 5Score: 36430

the ps4 will produce probably better looking games with the price of only 399 USD, so why should i choose this expensive GPU over ps4?

i know in order to have a better pc than a ps4 i will need to spend at least 1000 USD.

3881d ago 2 agree25 disagreeView comment


U said "So if I am to believe God made me and gave me the will to choose my own path, then why do I need religion. I should be smart enough to figure this all out on my own."

u need a religion if u want to know what ur creator wants from u and wat awaits u if u do believe or dont. so ur actions are counted and u will be rewarded according to them. not believing is the biggest sin, believing is the biggest good deed. it is ur choice in what...

3881d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think turn based RPGs are the best. the action or moving based RPGs feel more like action games.

3882d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


Life is short? says who?

your souls is eternal since it was created and it is only temporary in this world.

and Satan did indeed trick many humans of his and his followers with his deceptions.

Even last studies shows a baby is born with the belief of one God. this is scientific study.

This is what prophet Mohammad peace be upon him said more than 1434 years ago.

3882d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

what third party do with PS4 GPU will not affect sony first party pushing the limits of the GPU.

So if the third party wont exploit the extra advantage of the PS4 GPU, Sony surely will, and only they will look bad compared to ps3 first party exclusives.

its up to the third parties how they want their games on ps4 too look like.

3891d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

PS4 is the most powerful console but not PC.

yes in the future or even maybe current times, there exist better GPUs than ps4, BUT at what cost?

how much will it cost us to have a new PC which has the same GPU and CPU throughput power? i doubt it will be anything less than a $1000 USD.

Plus, the console graphics can be fully optimized with time! so it gets only better within the first 3-4 years into the console life cycle.


3906d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment

out of topic i know.

but what happened to FF vs 13? will it come on ps3 or ps4? its been 7 year or so and the talk is still on it.

4136d ago 5 agree18 disagreeView comment

thanks for correction if Last Story was on wii.

what i consider a flop is when media and ads push for a game to be the second FF rival while it doesnt hold a candle to it. they even had the character designer of dragonball Z anime series to work for the characters for Blue Dragon. so clearly this game was aiming high but it failed.

1 million (shipped or sold) for blue dragon is not bad, but for a 3 or 4 cd game, which is exclusive on a console that suppose to...

4507d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, and The Last Story were his new games. You should show some respect."

all flops and in a platform which is hated in his homeland! his fans will see him as a sellout now, and a failure one at that. no wonder he doesnt like to talk about FF, specially if he was kicked out from making anything with FF series while his new games are bad compared to FF and he lost most of his fans.

look guys, sometimes some people have a great...

4507d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

guys, let me say something which i believe so.

i think all the studies which shows there is no connection between violent games and violent acts of those gamers are bull crap. and the reason they make such studies is to promote the making of these games so more violent people will join the american pathetic army.

and the studies which shows a connection between violent games and violent gamers are being more realistic while they could still be making some err...

4525d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

so gayish picture

4526d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

guys, the last resident evil game i played was re4, but since re3, i missed out the mystery and puzzle solving aspect, so can anyone of u inform me if the series went back to the puzzling aspect or they kept the focus on the action part?

resident evil 2 and 3 were simply the best, i havent played re1 though, the graphics is too bad, cant take it.

4536d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


this is last comment i have, so if u need more private message me.

i will try to make it count.

do u know why many people blame seductive women for being raped? they dont necessary agree with raping but they still blame the women who wears dressed naked cloths, u know why? because in this world, in every society, there r always such bad men, call them animals, criminals etc, so to go out dressed like a barbie doll is like saying to ...

4547d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

@idiots above,

keep lying about me, about islam, about arabs until u die in ur hate. every single word u say u would be held accountable in the resurrection day, the judgment day.

in islam, we execute gays and rapers, thats why we dont have many of them, evil wicked people have no place among us, i guess thats why they love to go to west, specially USA.

as for muslim women, they r treated as queens and diamonds by islam, they have rights that...

4547d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

i think u need to get out of the box u live in. this world is big, it has many nations and cultures and religions. and many nations has many different views of women, i think u should start searching which one has the best view, and i think u wouldnt find something better than Allah/God view on women since He made them.

my advice, start searching in islam. u will see islam treat women like precious diamonds, but in islam, it will have views which u may not accept because of t...

4547d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment


he got his ideas from anti religious movements.

As regarding to the bible, it sad to see people taking Paul word more than Jesus (peace be upon him) words. christianity today is nowhere near of what the original Gospel of Jesus was.

and please, when u make a heavy statement, u need to back it up. Bible is the word of God? i believe it has some words of God but not all of it.

and by the way, muslims believe in the sa...

4547d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

u have corrupt mentality. u going to the direction of immorality and evil. promoting sluts will only increase the rapes, because men will think women r sluts, so it will be easier for them to rape them.

in many muslim countries, they dont have sluts and whores publicly, yet the rape is the least compared to USA and many western countries.

truly the devil agents will not stop to try corrupt this world until the judgment day.

4547d ago 7 agree15 disagreeView comment


if you think violence is more bad than showing gays and lesbians and promoting sexual things for kids, then i expect u to at least protest about the use of violence not just talk ideally about how it shouldnt be allowed for only the purpose of promoting sexuality and immorality.

and just because there is something bad (violence, if it is considered as bad) then allowing 1 bad thing does not mean we should open the doors to allow all bad things! what a ...

4547d ago 4 agree21 disagreeView comment

because of this, i will make sure that i will never buy namco game ever in my life nor my children!

damn these perverts! cant they make a descent fighting game? do they have to go into such low levels and also show women with milking cow breasts?

4548d ago 10 agree65 disagreeView comment

its funny how they make female video game and anime characters these days having a breast like a milking cows.

poor females these days, they have a target image which they can never reach even with silicone operations.

this is all part of the international zionist scheme to pervert the youth.

4548d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment